Vision and Mission

Franklin Biolabs’ vision is to be the leading, trusted provider of comprehensive solutions for the global Genetic Medicines industry, from discovery to commercialization, supporting innovator companies, academic institutions and governments to enable global access to lifesaving advanced therapies.

Franklin Biolabs:
Providing Solutions for the Global Genetic Medicines Industry

The team at Franklin Biolabs has been instrumental in creating the field of Genetic Medicines over the last three decades in an academic setting and is recognized as the global leader in AAV-based genetic medicines science and innovation.

The team of dedicated experts supported the global Genetic Medicines industry and academic research through its key service centers with a proven track record of accelerating discoveries to the clinic.

Candidate to IND in 18 Months

These academic service centers spun out into a new
Genetic Medicines-focused solutions-provider called Franklin Biolabs.

The original Vector Production, Immunology, Next Generation Sequencing, Pathology, Program for Comparative Medicine, and Regulatory units are the foundation for Franklin Biolabs.

Franklin Biolabs will leverage its bench-to-bedside expertise in Genetic Medicines to expand the platform of services with a goal of being the leading provider of comprehensive Genetic Medicines solutions including worldwide clinical development.

Franklin Biolabs' six areas of comprehensive service.